Beauty Call

September 1, 2012 | By Nadine Kam

Pretty up with a look that’ll last all day.

Fall is on its way, but here in Hawai‘i, it may feel more like an endless summer. With the sun and blue skies above, the heat may still be on—good for those who oppose winter’s chill, but bad for beauty vixens who want their makeup to stay put. Even if you’re not headed to the ocean or swimming pool, waterproof makeup will prevent the streaks and smears that come with humid conditions (read: Hawai‘i weather). The goal, of course, is to look cool and effortlessly natural—not a hot mess. So where to begin? Start with these products. For extra help keeping makeup where it belongs, skip the heavy moisturizer and avoid powders that combine with moisture (it will cause makeup to cake). And, if towelling off after a dip, blot your face, don’t rub.