Surfin’ Turf

September 1, 2012 | By Sarah Pacheco

Ask any beach boy where his favorite surf spot is, and you’ll get as many answers as there are fish in the ocean. But ask where he goes to pick up his killer surf gear, and you’ll most likely hear the answer among the usual suspects like Quiksilver, Billabong and Volcom: Honolua Surf Co. Named after the mystical bay found on the island of Maui’s western shore, Honolua Surf Co. has been catering to the waterman lifestyle since its creation in 1995. Honolua Surf Co. stocks its shelves with its own brand of surf-culture-inspired fashions for both men and women, including colorful graphic boardshorts, bright and flirty sundresses, fashion-forward shirts and tees perfect for lounging at the beach. Drop in to any of Honolua’s multiple Waikiki locations and take a piece of the waterman lifestyle home.

Honolua Surf Co.
Various locations throughout Waikiki