The Golden Standard

April 2, 2012 | By Nadine Kam

Among Hawai‘i’s most-sought after souvenirs is the perfect gold tan. Before heading to the beach, be warned that one marker of a “tourist” is the pink-and-white striped flesh of the sunburned.

Because of our prime equatorial position (which concentrates the sun’s rays) as well as the reflective effect of sunlight and UV radiation on sand and water, protection is essential.

Fortunately a number of products—many of which make use of the organic materials and botanicals that grow here in Hawai‘i—strive to offer the magic combo of protecting skin while enhancing a tan. There are also products for those who want a faux glow sans any help from the sun.

Here are our picks for the hottest natural Hawaiian tanning products that won’t leave you feeling burned.